The Five Infinities created a smartphone application that provides a platform for customers in the handyman business.
Proposed taxes on filmmakers reflect broader push to transition from dysfunctional system of negotiated tax to more sustainable government revenue base.
A new report on labor migration in Southeast Asia produced by the International Labor Organization and International Migration Organization, calls for a shift in policy making to more migrant-centered approaches.
Established in 2009, the Leng Pleng website aims at building a community for independent artists, where live music fans can keep track of their favorite bands, DJs, and musicians.
The National Bank of Cambodia chose Vann Molyvann to work on a private project to build 100 identical houses on a plot for their workers in Teuk Tla, near Phnom Penh International Airport.
Although about 65% of all businesses in Cambodia are owned by women, they lack access to finance, training, mentorship and information that could allow more women to grow their businesses.
“Talking about the film and remembering it again, right now, I feel goosebumps,” Ms. Siv Teng said, rubbing her arms.
The last issue of the Cambodia Daily ran with a black and white cover containing the names of many of the paper’s staff going back to the early 1990s.
The website combines historical information from the founding of the communist movement in Cambodia and the rise of Pol Pot.
After 24 years, The Cambodia Daily announces today in a statement that it ceases operation in Cambodia on Monday, September 4th, 2017.
The Hong Kong International Film and TV Market, known as FILMART, is the largest event for film and television sales in Asia.
One of the limiting factors for academics is that many fear of saying something controversial in public, and therefore avoid speaking to the media.
Tuy Sereivathana is also known as Uncle Elephant for his tireless work reducing human-elephant conflict.
Geraldine Richmond says she has noticed a stronger commitment on the part of the government to better promote the learning of science, especially for young girls.
Sotie Heidt hopes to help connect young women with successful female mentors, to give them opportunities to grow professionally.
For the first time, the wife of the US ambassador to Cambodia is herself a Cambodian. Sotie Heidt, whose family name is Kenmano, fled the Khmer Rouge in the 1980s and resettled in the United States.
Freedom House says Cambodia is a country where the press remains not free, and Reporters Without Borders ranks Cambodia’s press freedom 144th out of 180 countries.
The exhibit called "Consuming Passion", which opened June 25 at the Plantation Hotel, in Phnom Penh, contains a total of 20 paintings.
Opposition officials expect the new station to be up and running by the end of 2015, if they can find the money.
More than 60,000 people attended each match, in support of their Angkor Warriors.