

បណ្តាញ​ព័ត៌មាន​ដៃគូ​របស់ VOA

About VOA Khmer

VOA Khmer broadcasts comprehensive news and feature radio programs about Cambodia, America and the world. Everyday, our radio programs give you the latest news of the day. We also bring you in depth reports ranging from new development in medical treatments, science, health, business, entertainment, and music programs.

VOA Khmer Service's first broadcast was on August 15, 1955. Today, we broadcast 90 minutes of radio daily to Cambodia and Southeast Asia. VOA Khmer is broadcast by VOA's 1000 KW medium wave transmitter in Bangkok and by shortwave transmitters from the Phillipines.

VOA Khmer Programs

VOA Khmer's number one priority is our news broadcasts. We emphasize accuracy, objectivity, balance, and background information. We also carry the below program.

Hello VOA

A twice-weekly call-in show on various topics from health to Cambodian politics and human rights issues.

VOA Khmer Affiliates

Beehive Radio Station FM-105

#44G, Street 360, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang III, Khan Chamkar Morn Phnom Penh, Cambodia Telephone: (855) 23-210-401 Fax: (855) 23-210-439 Email:sbk@online.com.kh

To visit Beehive Radio Station's Website, click here.

Women's Media Center of Cambodia (Radio WMC, FM 102)

#30, Street 488 Sangat Phsar Demthkov, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Telephone: (855) 12-847-854 or 16-713-714 Fax: (855) 23-223- 597 Email:wmcc@online.com.kh

To visit Women's Media Centre of Cambodia's Website, click here.