Young designer in Lagos chooses bold colors and quirky cuts to gather world attention
Bold African Designs for Fashion World

“Orange culture is a men’s wear label,” says designer Okelawal. “… and it’s the quirkiest men’s label you can think of in Africa.” (Courtesy Orange Culture)

Okelawal wants a brand that “speaks volumes in that … you know that it’s Orange Culture.” (Photo Courtesy Orange Culture)

“Orange represents the sort of a person who has different interests or interests that don’t particularly pertain to the norm,” Okelawal says. (Photo Courtesy Orange Culture)

“We definitely produce clothes for a man who is adventurous, colorful, and loves to express himself,” says Akelawal. (Photo Courtesy Orange Culture)

“An Orange Culture boy or girl is someone … who takes a risk with his life or her life,” says designer Okelawal. (Photo Courtesy Orange Culture)