

NEC Removes CPP Member for Misconduct

The National Election Committee (NEC) has removed one of its representatives in Kampong Cham province, for violating NEC’s rules and regulations, said an official Wednesday.

Sun Lay Sin, who is a member of the Cambodian People Party (CPP), worked in NEC’s legal services based in Kampong Cham, was fired before the end of his employment.

The opposition party (SRP) charged him for the illegal distribution of gifts to potential voters back in January. Such practice is in violations of the NEC’s policies.

This is the first time that this kind of charge is filed before the communal council members election, scheduled for April of this year.

While NEC's Secretary General, Tep Nitha cannot be reached for comment, Mao Monivan, a SRP legislator in Kampong Cham welcomes NEC’s quick intervention.