

Tuesday's News Briefs

Human rights officials are investigating the murder of Mao Bun Laing, a member of the opposition party, whose body was found in ‘Wat Bo’, located in Siam Reap province.

Chan Saveth, a human rights investigator says that the victim’s family wants more information and has appealed to officials to probe into the case.

Labor Union Democratic Alliance of Garment Factory Workers in Cambodia's (LUDAGFWC) president, Ath Thun appeals to Prime Minister Hun Sen to assist with financial compensation for lost salaries, due to his employer’s disappearance.

Cambodian students living around the Tunle Sap lake are to receive lessons on environmental preservation.

And according to the Japanese embassy in Cambodia, its government plans to give an additional aid of 1,249 million yens to the country, scheduled for April 22.