In recent news, Prince Sisowath Thomico and Prince Norodom Ranariddh are both trying to persuade opposition party leader, Sam Rainsy, to join forces in the royalist movement.
Prince Thomico, president of Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (SJFP) told reporters on Tuesday that, “[he] and Prince Ranariddh do not understand Sam Rainsy party’s guiding principles”, and claimed that he believes the SRP party is no longer an opposition party.
Meanwhile, he reminded people about Sam Rainsy Party voting with Cambodian People's Party (CPP), to remove some of FUNCINPEC members, and went on to suggest that the party’s action will put their credibility in questions.
Former advisor to King Norodom Sihanouk, Prince Thomico has met with the ousted FUNCINPEC party leader, Prince Ranariddh this past Sunday- November 5th, in Malaysia to talk about strengthening their political ties.
In the press conference today, Prince Thomico told reporters that his party (SJFP) and Prince Ranariddh's new-formed party called, ‘Prince Norodom Ranariddh’ will merge into one party after the upcoming communal election in April 2007.
Serey Kosal, Norodom Ranariddh’s special representative also supports the three-party coalition.
SRP's acting president, Kong Korm says that his party will consider Prince Thomico's request, and is currently waiting to receive the official proposal.