

Opposition Blasts Local Officials over Vote Registration

Opposition leader, Sam Rainsy charges the officials of the National Election Committee (NEC) of creating many obstacles for people to register to vote.

Mr. Sam Rainsy on Monday cites problems related to the rights of the people to register for the election. Cambodian people 18 years of age and over have 20 days (from October 1 to 20) to register to vote in the 2007 local election and the 2008 general election.

Mr. Sam Rainsy says he has been informed that many people encounter some problems in the voter registration. He says that many young people say that they are not informed about the voter registration, and the name checking procedure. He says that the names and many data on the registrations do not match those of the identification information, and documents of the people.

He says that young Cambodian people say that when they went to register, the village chiefs or the officials did not report for work, and in other villages, there was lack of papers, and other necessary forms.

NEC's secretary, Mr. Tep Nitha responds that the voter registration relies on documents, and that if they are conformed with the norm, the people should be able to register.

Executive director of Cambodian Election Monitoring Group, Comfrel, Mr. Kul Panha says that he found many cases pertaining to voter registration problems, especially those young Cambodians who lack documents, and who will have problems in the voting rights.