

Eleven Judges and Prosecutors Trainees in Final KR Tribunal List

A pool of at least 11 judges and prosecutors have been trained in courses organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP),and introductory courses on International Humanitarian Law organized by the Royal School of Judges. Their names are included in the final list which the Supreme Council of the Magistracy have officially selected for the Khmer Rouge tribunal, according to a list of 29 judges who participated in training in August 2004.

Most of the11 judges have received various advanced law degrees from Vietnam, Russia and other countries. One has taught in high school. Some of them are earning Bachelors' degree in law in Cambodia.

These judges and prosecutors finished a short course for two weeks in 2004 organized by UNDP. Civil society officials wait patiently to receive the officail list of the names of judges and prosecutors for the Khmer Rouge tribunal.