

US Embassy Issues a Statement Thanking King Sihamoni for Donation for Katrina Victims

The US Embassy in Phnom Penh issues a statement which VOA receives Tuesday to express its gratitude for King Norodom Sihamoni's personal donation to the Hurricane Katrina's victims.

US Embassy Charge d'Affairs Mark Storella said that he is very happy to have received the donation from the King in his King Father and Queen Mother's names, and he values the King's will and the friendship between the two countries. He also thanks the Cambodian government for its kind donation for the flood victims. He adds that traditionally, the American people have helped the people in other countries in need, but that presently, they lose everything, and the King's response moves him very much.

Beehive radio Director Mam Sonando said that he did some fundraising among his listeners, and that even though the donation is minimal, and our country is poor and small, the gesture reflects the people's spirit of sympathy for the flood victims.

The Cambodian government also donated 20,000 US dollars last week for the cause.