Nuon Chea’s Lawyers Cite Scant Evidence in Parts of Prosecution

  • Kong Sothanarith
    VOA Khmer
Nuon Chea, Brother No 2 of Khmer Rouge, expressed remorse at ECCC over what had happened in his regime, May 30, 2013.

Nuon Chea, Brother No 2 of Khmer Rouge, expressed remorse at ECCC over what had happened in his regime, May 30, 2013.

PHNOM PENH - Defense lawyers for aging Khmer Rouge leader Nuon Chea told the UN-backed tribunal on Thursday that evidence in portions of the case against him were “limited and inconsistent.”

Victor Koppe, a defense leader for the regime’s ideologue, addressed a portion of the trial concerning Nuon Chea’s participation in a meeting of Khmer Rouge cadre in Pursat province’s Tuol Por Chrey, where thousands of people were alleged to have been executed.

“The evidence before this chamber…consists of no physical evidence, no bodies of victims, no names of any victims, no eye witness testimony of any killings,” he said.

Cambodian defense attorney Son Arun said Nuon Chea played no role in the evacuation of eastern portions of Cambodia, like Pursat, which the prosecution claims led to the executions of many Cambodians.

Both lawyers were speaking during closing statements for a portion of the case against Nuon Chea and the regime’s nominal head of state, Khieu Samphan, who face charges including genocide for the leadership of the brutal regime.

Closing statements on this portion of their trial, which has been broken into sections to expedite the proceedings, are expected to last throughout the month of October.