Khmer Rouge Prison Chief Transferred for Life Sentence

  • Kong Sothanarith
    VOA Khmer
Duch was arrested in May 1999 and was later charged by the tribunal for war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture and homicide, file photo.

Duch was arrested in May 1999 and was later charged by the tribunal for war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture and homicide, file photo.

PHNOM PENH - Khmer Rouge torture chief Kaing Kek Iev, better known as Duch, has been transferred to a prison in Kandal province, outside the capital, where he will serve a life sentence for his role as supervisor of Tuol Sleng prison.

Duch was transferred early Thursday morning to the detention facility in Kandal, 30 kilometers from Phnom Penh, to serve out a sentence for atrocity crimes, torture and murder.

More than 12,000 people were tortured and sent to their executions at the center overseen by Duch, who was found guilty for his crimes by the UN-backed tribunal in February 2012.

He will have a cell to himself, but other than that, “he’ll be treated the same as the rest of the prisoners,” tribunal spokesman Neth Pheaktra told VOA Khmer.

Duch could be called to testify at other cases at the court, Neth Pheaktra said.

Meanwhile, lawyers for three suspects in Case 004 have asked investigating judges to provide access to the case file as soon as possible, to allow them to build a defense. Those three suspects, and two others in a separate case, have not been arrested or formerly indicted.