July 8, 2020

Hearts painted by a team of artists from Upfest are seen in the grass at Queen Square, following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Bristol, Britain.

A view shows damages after floods caused by torrential rain, in Kumamura, Kumamoto Prefecture, southwestern Japan.

A group of children wearing masks look on as health workers screen people for COVID-19 symptoms at a slum, in Mumbai, India.

A technician works on an electricity transmission tower on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar.

A man wearing a face mask to help curb the spread of the coronavirus is reflected on a glass wall at a shopping arcade in Tokyo.
Relatives pray before the cremation of a woman, who died due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at a crematorium in New Delhi, India.
Guests sit inside a teardrop-shaped tent hanging from a tree created by Dutch artist Dre Wapenaar, offering an unusual accommodation for tourists in the Belgian countryside, near Borgloon, Belgium, July 7, 2020.
Children play with a water pipe to cool off on a street during hot summer in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
A worker pastes portraits of health care workers created on the facade of the Opera Bastille, at the initiative of the collective #ProtegeTonSoignant to pay tribute to caregivers during the COVID-19 epidemic, in Paris.