Flood Damage Could Exceed $10 Million, Official Says

Damages from prolonged flooding in northeastern Cambodia could surpass $10 million, officials said Wednesday.

The floods have killed at least two people and displaced tens of thousands, disaster officials said.

About 18,000 hectares of rice fields are under water in the region, and the Cambodian Red Cross has sent 10 tons of the staple to feed victims, the Cambodia Daily reported Tuesday.

"About the flood, we are ready, and if there is any problem, we are ready," said Nhim Vanda, vice president for the government's Committee for Natural Disaster Control. "Today, I think there is nothing that we should worry about. I only feel that if we have a lot of rainstorms in our country we will have to monitor it."

Floodwater was now receding in some areas, he said, but it has cost the country up to $10 million in damages.

"I think that in about two weeks, if there is no rain or storm, the flood will leave us for the sea, and other countries, and the situation will be less serious," Nhim Vanda said.