Suspect Seriously Wounded, Left by Police, Group Says

A fleeing man was shot at least six times in the back by police and then left seriously injured near his home Wednesday, a rights worker said.

Yun Chea, 35, a farmer in Khduol village, Banthey Meanchey province, was shotwhen he tried to flee his house, after it was surrounded by 10 policemen searching for a kidnapper, Soum Chanthea, a rights worker for Adhoc said.

The policemen surrounding his house caused the man to panic and flee, and he was shot after shouts from the police to stop went unheeded, Soum Chanthea said.

Police then left the man where he lay, Soum Chanthea said.

"The police said stop, stop, and they fired six to seven rounds," Soum Chanthea said. "He panicked and jumped down. He collapsed, and the police just walked away and did not rescue him. Nothing has been done since then."

Bantey Meanchey Deputy Police Chief Chan Kosal said police made a decision to shoot a fleeing suspect.

"It is difficult in this case," he said. "We called to him to stop. He might be running away. We were looking for a fugitive running from one place to another one."

Chan Kosal said provincial police gave $25 to the man's family, but his wife said she had not received it.