Exiled Union Leader Returns Home With a Letter For PM Hun Sen

The Free Trade Union Workers of The Kingdom of Cambodia's (FTUWKC) president Chea Mony will be returning to Cambodia on 02-01.

He will bring a letter thanking PM Hun Sen for ending the suit, but he told Mr. Man Seng Hak of the FTUWKC that he will not apologize to the prime minister.

He was charged by Prime Minister Hun Sen of defamation related to the border issues. He left the country on October 11 after an arrest warrant was issued for him.

Leaders of trade unions and professional societies issued a statement on October 11 calling Cambodians to join in their mourning over the loss of land they claim the border deal with Vietnam led to. Mr. Chea was a co-signatory of this statement.

Mr. Chea decides to return to Cambodia after Prime Minister Hun Sen promises that he will be linient to the human rights, the media, and other independent activists, through the Phnom Penh Municipal court, to drop defamation charges against them.