U.N. Administrator And Government Officials Discussed Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The U.N. top administrator and Cambodian government officials open talks Wednesday for the first discussions on the Khmer Rouge tribunal and to plan for talk force activities.

The former Khmer Rouge leaders are blamed for genocide, crime against humanity, and the death of nearly two millions people during its regime between 1975-1979.

U.N. coordinator Michelle Lee was appointed by U.N. General Secretary Kofi Annan. King Sihamoni appointed Dr. Sean Visoth as Cambodia's top tribunal administrator.

Ms. Lee and Mr. Sean met for almost two hours at the Cabinet headquarter looking for ways to achieve the goal. Ms. Lee said that this is just the first time and that they really don't have too much to report at this point, but they will meet on Thursday at a press conference, and it is a very good start because they exchanged views and they tried to establish a working plan.

She arrived in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. She said that she believed Mr. Sean Visoth can clarify that this meeting is very constructive. She will stay through December 16 and will meet with deputy Prime Minister Sok An, the director of Khmer Rouge trial task force, the media, diplomats, NGOs officials, and government officials.

Ms. Lee will also look at the tribunal site. Mr. Sean said that both he and Ms. Lee try hard to make the U.N. and the government's common goal succeed in the former Khmer Rouge leaders trial. He added that they learn from each other.

The opposition group, and the NGOs officials monitor the development closely. The tribunal funding costs 56 millions and 300,000 dollars.