Chairwoman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Princess Norodom Vichara said Monday that a copy of every treaty that Cambodia has signed with Vietnam including the latest additional treaty should be sent to the United Nations for the records. She said this is the only way to protect Cambodia should she have a conflict with her neighbors in the future.
She said that the Supplemental Border Treaty, the 1979, 1982, 1983, and 1985 Border Treaties should be sent and kept at the UN headquarters so that they will be recognized and be legitimate.
Chairman of Cambodia's Border Committees Var Kim Hong said he supports the idea of keeping a copy of the Supplemental Border Treaty at the UN, but said it's up to the Cambodian government to decide once the additional treaty is ratified.
Cambodian government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said what Cambodia and Vietnam have agreed bilaterally is more important than keeping a copy of the additional treaty at the UN.