

FUNCINPEC Opposes to Ranariddh Forming New Party

FUNCINPEC’s vice president, Lu Lay Sreng urges the ousted royalist leader, prince Norodom Ranariddh, to continue his participation in the royalist party, and discouraged the prince to form a new political party.

In an interview with VOA, Lu Lay Sreng says that the prince will be humiliated should he go ahead with his plans.

Lu Lay Sreng said, “should the prince form a new party, he will lose face when he is defeated in the upcoming election.” He also claims that people with not very good reputation are in close relations to prince Norodom Ranariddh.

Prince Ranariddh advisor, Ouk Socheat disagrees with FUNCINPEC’s vice president accusations, and says that “the prince has a loyal followings”. He also supports the prince's decision to form a new party in time to participate in the upcoming election.

The local election will be held in April 2007.