

Doctor Discusses Diabetes, Hypertension

Urban Cambodians suffer higher rates of diabetes and hypertension than their rural compatriots, a doctor said Thursday.

Ten percent of Cambodian adults in cities suffer from diabetes, compared to five percent in poor, rural areas, said Dr. Taing Tek Hong, as a guest on “Hello VOA.”

Twenty-five percent of urban adults suffer hypertension, compared to 12 percent in rural areas, he said.

Both diseases can lead to complications such as heart and kidney disease or failure and stroke.

Diabetes can damage the eyes, leading to blindness, impaired sensation or pain in the hands and feet, as well as a slow emptying of food from the stomach, nausea and vomiting, he said. Diabetes can also lead to erectile dysfunction and vascular disease that can lead to limb amputation.

Treatments include medicine, exercise and diet, he said.

Those with hypertension should reduce sodium or salt, in foods such as soy sauce, fish sauce and dried or pickled fish, and raise their potassium and calcium, with foods such as fresh fish, vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and beans.

Thos with diabetics may sometimes be put on special diets, he said.