Cambodian Community Day 2010
Aug 22, 2010: An annual gathering of Cambodians in non-Cambodians in the Washington, DC metropolitan area to celebrate and showcase Cambodian culture. (By Sophat Soeung, VOA Khmer)Alexandria, Virginia - Aug 22, 2010: An annual gathering of Cambodians in non-Cambodians in the Washington, DC metropolitan area to celebrate and showcase Cambodian culture. (By Sophat Soeung, VOA Khmer)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visits a mushroom farm in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang.

Suteera Nagavajara, readies herself for the Khmer classical dance Phuong Neary (ភួងនារី).

Samantha Lushinski, 12, who's mother is Cambodian and father is American, is among the two dozens young Cambodian-American dancers that are trained by the Cambodian American Heritage, Inc.

A band of Cambodian classical music starts off the half-day festival.

Seaton Sok, 18, and Brendon Holl, 16, proudly carry the Cambodian and American national flags prior to the salutation of both countries' anthems.

The lead organizers, Sophia Tep (left) and Somony Yann (right), proudly stand next to a five-thousand-dollar replica of Angkor Wat, which the Cambodian Community Day group commissioned from Cambodia.

Isabella, a young Cambodian girl, and her adopted father Jeff Fleming and family members, are among the participants who have drive hours to attend the event.

Representatives of the Cambodian Buddhist Society, Inc, better known as Wat Buddhikkaram Maryland, were among the participating organizations.

A man and his curious daughter at a display of tropical fruits and vegetables common in Cambodia.

A traditional Cambodian cake on display.

Participants carefully studying a replica of Angkor Wat, Cambodia's famed medieval temple. The 5,000-dollar replica was commissioned from Cambodia.

Darath Ly, dressed in Cambodian wedding costume, and her four-year-old son, Aaron Ly.

Volak Sras (middle) of the Cambodian American Heritage, Inc. dances a Cambodian classical dance called Phuong Neary.




Geoffrey Nelson and his Cambodian colleagues dance Robaim Kuos Tralauk, a popular traditional Khmer dance, which is often translated as 'Coconut Dance.'

Members of the Angkor Association, a local Cambodian group, chat during the festival.

The organizing team member sing 'Pongsavada Khmer' (ពង្សាវតារខ្មែរ), meaning 'Khmer Chronicle', a Cambodian nationalist song that aims to unite, and inspire current and future generations of Cambodians to revive their ancient civilization.

Irish-American Donald Joy, his Cambodian wife Sythuon Joy, and their two-and-half-year-old son, Jasper Joy look on the dance performance.

Cambodian participants celebrate Chhaiyam (ឆៃយ៉ាំ), a traditional performance that accompany many cultural and religious events.

Organizers perform a procession of Bon Phka (បុណ្យផ្កា), a Cambodian Buddhist fund-raising ceremony during the Cambodian Community Day 2010.

A young Cambodian food vendor looks on as an American visitors is making a choice of food. His food stand is among dozens at the festival that both caters to visitors and help keep the festival going annually.